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Contractor and Employee Manager (CEM)
for Contractors

How to Add and Employee


1. Navigate

Log in and select Contractor and Employee Management from the left-hand menu.

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2. Add details

Select Company > Employees from the left-hand menu.

Press Add Employee in the right-hand corner.

Complete the details and press Save

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3. Make available

Select Company > Available to Clients from the left-hand menu

Select which company and press add Employees

Select which sites the employee will be working on

Select what job role they will be working as (job roles are created by the client and will include a package of requirements including required documentation, inductions, SWMS, review of policies and procedures) which will need to be completed prior to sign in.

And select which employee you would like to assign these criteria.


4. Notify and Manage

Select details next to an employee 

Email or text the employee their pin number. A link will be provided in the message to the employees dashboard where inductions and documentation will be provided.

Archive employees

Review status 

Company Documents

Different companies may request different company documents and / or  have company specific requirements (eg contracts ). You therefore have the ability to choose which company documents to make available to which companies.  

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1. Upload documents

Select Company > Documents

  1. Required documents will be added as they are required by job roles / employees added.

  2. These will appear red when they need uploading or updating.

  3. Click upload to upload your PDF document

  4. You can also upload documents which have not specifically been requested but you would like to supply by clicking Upload document in the left hand corner. 

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3. Make Documents Available

Select Company > Available to Clients 

  1. Select Company

  2. Scroll to Company Document section (below Employees) 

  3. Select Add Company Documents

  4. Tick documents and Save

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