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GPlus Live Analytics

As a GPlus Live subscriber, you can now access Analytics captured from your modules. Our Analytics have been designed to give you visual insights into the data you are capturing day to day.

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Analytics short cut

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Navigating to Analytics

Select the drop down arrow to bring up the modules you have subscribed too. Note: only your subscribed modules will be accessible. 


Click into the module analytics you wish to investigate. 

Each module also provides you with access to analytics, found in the left hand menu. 


Note: For the CEM Module, it can be found under reports.  

Analytics View

All module analytics pages work in the same manner. The below is taken from our CEM module, but the features hightlighted are used across all modules. 

Some graphs offer drill down to more information by clicking on the image. Use the path at the top of the graph to move back. 

CEM Analytics Capture.JPG
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