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Digital Documents and Audits (DDA)

The Gplus Live Digital Documents and Audit (DDA) modules is a dual module that allows you to turn reports such as Environmental Management Plans into a digital document that is searchable, trackable and links directly to support material. The system also allows you to have e-forms created from approvals and permits for you to complete while on-site. By utilising attachments and evidence buttons the system can also produce photos sheets.


The Digital Document and Audit module operates by using a ”document sets”. A company can have multiply sites on the system and a site can have multiply documents sets attached to each of its sites.


GPlus Live will default to open to the last module a user’s was operating in (or if first time login with default to the first module on the list). Navigate from your default home screen to the Digital Document and Audits by using the first drop-down menu, located in the top right hand corner.


Please see here for setting up new users and allocating appropriate permission levels.

Welcome to GPlus Live: Digital Document  and Audits Module Quick Guide
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Digital Document  and Audits Module Permissions 
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Home Page and Scheduler

The home page is a display summary of the scheduled activities for that month and the compliance status and actions. Available are quick link action buttons to direct you to requirements for more frequent actions.

The following section will discuss how to utilise the features of your home screen.



Introductory Statement

The first box displayed has a statement outlining the purpose of the documents being displayed. This can be amended by GPlus Live Team as needed and can included any additional information desired.

Switching between Sites

If applicable switch between company sites and document set by using the drop-down arrow list in the box titled “Document Set”.


Calendar View

The Calendar will display a summary of the developed system scheduled activities and show you the status of these events.  Activities are grouped by elements.

By clicking on the arrow, you can view all activities due for that element within that monthly period. The module will alert you via email the month prior to an activity that requires attention.


GPlus Live uses colour coded symbols to mark scheduled activities either complete, not approved, attention required as a visual too to help prompt completion.

Completing a Scheduled Calendar Activity

To complete one of the scheduled activities and /or change its compliance status to complete, select the appropriate scheduled activity icon (i.e. the yellow explanation mark). You can complete a schedule activity earlier than scheduled and the system will record the time, date and users that actioned this activity.

Once the scheduled activity has been selected, a pop-up window will appear. Where applicable, you may have a link to system documents for you to fill in (select view documents) and complete or the option to review system linked documents. Once the activity is completed and approved you must select the option to “mark as complete”.


When the scheduled activity has been marked complete, the status will change on the pop-up window as well as the calendar to a green tick.

All actions that are marked as completed or in progress are tracked and recorded on the pop-up window.

Note: For security and system integrity, a request needs to be sent to the GPlus Live team to have an action marked complete by error revoked.

Any activities deleted will only be deleted for that circumstance, and only specified permitted users can delete a scheduled activity.


List of Actions

The DDA module utilise a feature we call ‘Actions’. These actions alert and record information during audits or routine inspections, items that require some form of attention or immediate action to either solve or improve a situation.

Your home page is a running record of all actions created. These actions can be exported to CSV files at any time.

Action assigned via a e-document will appear at the bottom of the home screen. Refer to Creating an Action. The list of actions uses colour codes as visual tool in add in completing actions.

Red is overdue
Orange is scheduled
Green is completed, when completed actions are found in the view all actions folder

To view details of the listed action and close an action. Select the details button on the right-hand side. A pop-up window will appear. The action pop-up window will show:

  • Who the action has been assigned to

  • A suggested due date for rectification

  • subject and message details.

Action can have the assigned to status changed to any user linked within the company or a groundwork plus employee that is linked to the site.

The suggested due date can be changed. Additional message details can be added and or deleted.

The form will with either have a Fill in or Download hyperlink available. This links you to the e-form the action has been added to. This e-from may be either waiting approval or been approved.


When an action has been completed it is moved all actions folder.

Selecting this will open up a new page that is exportable, filterable and searchable (via date range, subject, assigned too and document name.


Each user can assign their unique favourite documents. By pressing the star next to the documents they wish to have as a favourite. These documents will appear in your favourites list. View Quick Guide Video

Unselect star if a document is no longer a preferred favourite.

When logging in on a personal device you can open to your favourite items by passing the home page. All the documents will still be available to you under documents. Note: If the document is revised you will have to re link it as a favourite.


The documents menu item is where the Documents or Audit sections are displayed in full.

Select the text box and the summary of the element will be displayed to the right of the page. This summarises information within this section of the document. 

The summary information can be printed or downloaded to either word or PDF by selecting the Download / Print buttons on the top left-hand corner.

Any text that has a code and is bolded is referencing support material supplied within the documents. 

To view supporting material saved within the sections, such as documents, figures, forms, audit forms, records and attachments, close the summary by clicking on the text box again or using the close button at the top right-hand corner.

You can also download a word version of the section summary or a pdf of the section summary.

Select the triangle arrow to the left of the text box. The list displayed will include all supporting information with the actions and completed documents accessible by using the options on the right-hand side of the list.  If the arrow is not provided no support material is held within that element.

Refer to Saving and Approving and Approved Documents that discusses the review and completed process.

Creating an Action

On all documents you also can add an action to alert someone to an issue which needs to be actioned. Refer to List of Actions for more information. To use this feature, actions can be added by selecting the floating add action button on the right hand side or by selecting the add action box at the bottom of all e-documents.


Assign this action to the appropriate person in the drop-down list. This list will include all staff that have access to the module within GPlus Live.

Provide a due date on when the action requires completion or rectification.

Create a subject heading (i.e. summary of the action). Then provide a message detailing the action.

The created action will then be emailed to the assigned person. The action will appear on the bottom of the e-form.

An e-form can have multiply actions assigned at any one stage and are now locked to that e-form. Actions are also colour coded for reference.

Actions added and will appear on the module home page.

Saving and Approving

There are two options for saving the form, ‘Save’ and ‘Save and Approve’.

​Selecting Save will save the content but will allow users to come back to the form to enter more details, make edits or if required another user to check /review and approve. All saved (but unapproved) forms will be listed in the Review folder. 


When the review button is selected, you are redirected to the Pending Approvals Folder, where you can select Edit/Approve to either continue working on the selected e-form. Or as a supervisor approve the document.

​Note: There is also a short cut to complete a new form, selected the Fill In button, top right-hand corner.


Selecting 'Save and Approve' will finalise the document and is only available to users with permission to approve.


Approved Documents

Once a document is Approved it can no longer be edited or changed and will be saved in the “Approved Document” list, found in the Completed folder on the Documents home page. Approving the document can be compared to a signature and records of the user and date of approval will be kept.


All approved documents will be listed and available for download as PDF or word and any attachments can be downloaded (see section downloading attachments).


If a change needed to be made on an approved document, you will need to ‘Recall Approval’, go to Review list and find the document, make the changes, and then reapproved. All changes will be tracked including users making the changes, dates and time. Only permitted users can recall approved documents.


Downloading Attachments

When attachments and evidence that has been uploaded to an e-form is required for download, navigate to the completed folder and select the attachment button.


A new pop-up window will appear that gives you a list of the upload/ attached document that are linked to that specific e-form. This pop-up window will allow you to download either a specific document or by selecting download zip all files will be downloaded. The system will name the downloaded file according to the name given to the attachment.


Mobile View

The DDA Module is compatible to view in a mobile or tablet view. When using GPlus Live on a mobile or a tablet the DDA Module will default to the Favourites page. Favourites area easily selected by selecting and de-selecting the star.

Select the three bars in the top right hand corner to navigate to the other sections of the module if required.

Please note: that home and favourites are the same when using the mobile view.


Actions provide you the option to either fill in, upload, review and approved and view completed. These options work the same way as if you were using the desktop application. Refer to the above for more information.

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