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When I log in on my computer, how do move between modules? 

Click on the drop down list in the top left corner, this should contain active links to all modules your company has access too.

If the module page appears blank, you do not have access to this module (contact your administration of the GPlus Live Team to change access restrictions if required). 

What is the difference between the Mobile Dash Board and the Desk top website? 

Administrative users and companies with their health and safety, Digital docs and Audits and Environmental Compliance modules subscriptions have password protected access to the website. 


The Mobile Dash board has been specifically developed for users of the system to easily sign in to sites, completed inductions, SWMS, Procedures and Policy reviews,  training, VoCs and keep their personal records up to dates. The Mobile dash board is protected using a 6 letter / number code provided on set up of the user. Three factor validation will also be required on first use and from time to time after that. It can be accessed by going to or using the links provided in correspondence.  Read More

Why does it always ask for my pin?

If you make sure your device is not in private / incognito mode and your cookies are allowed / enabled the device should remember your pin and you do not need to enter it in every time. See the following link for instructions on enabling cookies

Why did my device want to do a two factor authorization? 

Two factor authorization has been set up to offer more security for your dashboard. It is required on initial log in to the dashboard using your pin, every time the authentication is lost and if its been more than 30 days of not signing in.  It will automatically send a text to the phone number in the system which will need to get entered to the dashboard when requested. It is important to keep your contact details in the system up to date if you change your mobile number to ensure you can access your two factor authorization pin, however, if you do require contact details to be updated as have a new phone number and cannot log in you will need to contact GPlus team. We will require proof of your Identity. Never provide a two factor code to anyone else especially over the phone.

Is the system available on an app? 

No, we have decided it is best for the system to use a website base system. We feel this allows for the  best possible experience and we are able to deliver new features and improvements seamlessly. You can however add GPlus Live or the GPlus Live dashboard to your mobile homepage where it can be accessed similar to an app. Click here for instruction on how to do this. 

The site does not load or is not working as expected?

First try pressing Ctrl+F5 to refresh your browser. If this doesn't work it is most likely your browser has cached some old scripts and doesn't want to refresh them. Please press F12 or Ctr+Shift+I to open the Developer tools, then go to the Application tab, then Storage and select "Clear site data":

cache info.JPG




How do you keep my data secure?

The application is built using the latest framework from Microsoft and hosted at Microsoft Azure cloud service.

The data is stored in an SQL Server database also hosted at Azure. Transparent data encryption is applied to the entire database.

User uploaded and generated content is stored at Azure BlobStorage service and automatically encrypted, with no public access.

Communication between the application and client browser is via encrypted HTTPS protocol (SSL certificate issued by Microsoft).

User passwords are encrypted using an asymmetric (one-way) algorithm, which makes it impossible to decrypt them.

Environmental Compliance

Can I change stations or parameter? What about the order they are displayed?

Monitoring parameters (or variables) are created and set up by GPlus Live Admin on the request of the users of a site and as required by approvals provided. These can be changed and ordered differently as necessary please talk to the team at GPlus Live.  

Can I add triggers? Can triggers only notify certain users (e.g. proactive monitoring)?

Triggers are created and set up by GPlus Live Admin on the request of the users of a site and as required by approvals provided.  You can view what triggers are currently set up for your site on the Notifications page. Triggers are set up in different types, e.g. compliance triggers, pro active triggers, investigation triggers, pre release triggers etc. These can be set up to alert different users and/or different ways eg. email, email and text, just on Gplus live etc. If you would like to add or change anything about triggers please talk to the team at GPlus Live

Can I get a summary report in a different format?

Summary reports have been provided to download a stand alone summary of an event, or multiple events in a format which can be taken away from the system but provide all the details to the reader (i.e. site maps, dates, triggers etc). Summary report formats are set up by GPlus Live Admin, if you have any changes or amendments you would like made please contact the team at GPlus Live.

What if my result has a < sign or is reported as <LOR ? 

When entering data and a level is recorded with a < the level will be automatically halved for reporting and graphing. <LOR stands for Less than level of reporting, i.e. levels were below that of detection at the laboratory or calculations are below level of reporting / detection. Neither of these results mean the level is 0 so should not be recorded as such. 

Environmental Compliance

Health and Safety

Why are my registers not working?

Make sure you are filling in the boxes at the bottom of the register and selecting "add row". You should them be able to view the row added to the register at the top. If you don't add the row it will not save. Once the row is added you can attach documents, edit or delete as necessary. Read More

Can I change details of the set up documents in the system? 

All document details and information can be amended. Please contact the team at GPlus Live with the details. 

Can I link between modules?

If a link is required and the company has a subscription to multiple modules, links can be made between modules eg SWMS registers stored in the CEM module can be listed in the Health and Safety Module, blast results stored in the Environmental Module can be linked to the relevant Health and Safety section etc. 

Can I change calendar schedule on the home page? Can I link documents in the system to the schedule?

Months for activities due can be changed. Details about the activities can also be amended, added or deleted and different required documents links as necessary. Please contact the team at GPlus Live for assistance. 

How can I delete a completed form? 

An approved  form or checklist can be recalled. Once recalled it will appear in the pending approval list from here it can be edited or deleted. Only permitted users can recall, delete or edit. 

Where has my favorite document gone? 

If a document template is edited by GPlus Live the document will drop off users favorite list. They will need to go in to the document page and re highlight the star to make it reappear. Read More

My document count in the right menu says 0 but there are documents? 

The document count (number displayed next to "Review" or "Completed" ) is counting the number of times a particular templated has been completed, not necessarily the number of documents ever completed. If a template is updated, this count will commence again. If you click on the button your documents are still all listed. 

Why does it keep asking me to update the reference?
The reference is like a file name, to assist in finding the file when needed. It needs to be concise, accurate and consistent. Some forms and documents have been set up to have the first 1, 2 or 3 text boxes automatically populate this refence box to assist with naming protocol. You can however, overwrite this if you think its necessary.  Read More

Can I use a document in the system to attach to another document as supporting information? 
Select the attachment button and, instead of upload, select Link Document. Once selected a new pop up will appear will a complete list of all documents stored within this GPlus Live module. Read More

I want to fill in a form on paper instead of directly to the system. Can I do this? 
While we recommend you fill in forms directly on the system to save time and collect data, we understand sometimes this is not possible so we have provided alternatives. At the bottom of the forms, there is a drop down list which allows you to download the form to word or PDF. You can print it from here to work off. Once you have completed the form, you can use the upload function (to the right of the list) to save it back in the system and have it go through the approval process (where necessary).  Read More

There is not enough room in the box to enter what I want to say? 

If a lot of text is anticipated to answer an item in a form, a 'long' text box should be provided. These text boxes have lines in the right hand bottom corner. By hovering over this corner and click and drag you can make the text box bigger. Read More

Contractor and Employee Management (CEM)

The employee or contractor does not know their pin?

The user can recover their pin by using the 'Recover Pin' button. It will send a text or email with the pin. The contractor must use the same email address or phone number as is listed in the system. 

I have added a contractor to the system but they did not receive any correspondence? 

Check they have accepted the invite to the system. You will be able to view the status of this invite on your home page under Pending Contractor Requests. You can try resending the request. If they still do not receive the invite, it is likely the mobile number has been entered incorrectly.  Cancel the Request on the home page and begin the process again. 

What if the Contractor or employee does not have internet on their phone? 

The invite process can be overwritten by GPlus Live Admin. Once their profile has been opened they will need to be provided with a device to  accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and complete any required items. 

What happens if the contractor already has a pin and profile for GPlus Live from another companies site? 

If the contractor is already in the system through another company, they will use the same pin and their personal details and documents will be available to both companies. When you add them, their email address will be recognized by the system, they will received a text message where they will need to agree to you adding them to your site. Different companies may require different documents so they may still need to provide information before they can start work on your site. 

What is the difference between Job Roles, Competencies and VOCs? 

The job role is referring to the role the employee has been employed to do or contractor is contracted to do. There may be specific inductions and SWMS, policies and procedures linked to a job role.

Competencies are only assigned to employees and are items they have been deemed or assessed competent in through on site or third party training.  Once a group of trainings are finished a Verification of Competency certificate can be completed and signed off. 

FAQ no correspondence

Plant and Equipment Management (PEM)

How much data does it take to do a Prestart?

The prestart page loads around 1-2MB of data. Some of the data is cached by the browser and only needs to be loaded once. So on average it would be 1MB worth of data per page load. If photos are taken, that would add a few MB per photo, depending on the phone/camera model.

I am setting new equipment and I want to use the master database to assist in the set up? 

When creating a new asset register, you will need to select which category the register sits in. You can change the name to suit your site.

Only equipment within the category in our master database will be available. To see the list of equipment recorded and available within each category click here.

 When you add Equipment to a Asset register, use the blue button in the right hand corner which says 'Copy from Mater List' and select which piece of equipment most closely relates to the one being added. You can change the details as required. 

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