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Settings and User Access

Desktop Access

Users of the desktop website, will need to be issued a password by administration to log in. They will also be assigned permissions on set up allowing access and functions to be set to their role on site. 

See Setting up a new User 

see CEM Quick Guide 

Mobile Dashboard Access

Users who only require access to the Contractor and Employee management (CEM) and Plant and Equipment Management (PEM) will be issued with a Pin (not a password). This will allow them to access their profile on the mobile dashboard (CEM), link to the Health and Safety system documents and the Site Equipment Registers and details (PEM) as per the companies subscription limits. 


See CEM Mobile Dashboard

Health and Safety Permissions Guide Download Here

Digital Document and Audits Permissions Guide Download Here

Contractor and Employee Permissions Guide Download Here

Plant and Equipment Permissions Guide Download Here

Access Levels and their Permissions

Different users will be given different access to information on the system. 

Safety and Privacy

Various tools have been implemented to ensure data is safe. 


On first log in using the pin, two factor verification is required. A text will be sent to the phone number provided which will need to be entered prior to being allowed access to the dashboard. This will be required from time to time and on log in on a new device. 


On receiving a pin or password, users should be instructed of their personal responsibility to keep that pin/password private. All activities on the site will be tracked and time stamped with the users name. It is very important for users to always use their personal log in and not share pins/passwords, share a logged in device between different people, allow public computers to remember pins/passwords or leave devices open and logged in for others to view.  

Terms Acceptance 

All users will need to accept the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Collection Notice prior to be allowed access to the Desktop Application or Mobile Dashboard. 

Acceptance will be requested on initial log in and documents available for viewing at any time. 

Should a user choose to not accept the terms or opt out of correspondence, GPlus Live may be unable to provide the services requested by client company. In this instance, the user will be directed to the company contact to discuss options. 

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